Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Last night, I saw MGMT (pronounced Management) at the 9:30 Club. Wow, what a show. Based on their album, I wasn't a huge fan, mostly being down for the singles Electric Feel and Time To Pretend, but Oracular Spectacular slowly started to grow on me. After last night, however, I am fully in support. The electro sound that seems to be the staple of their album was a part of the show, but elements that are only hinted at on wax (or plastic... or computer file) were on full display in their live set. Prog-rock jams, wailing guitars, and hippyish overtones in both lyrics and songs writing combined with their electro vibe and a dose of high energy to keep the whole club rocking. After their short set ended, they came back out for the inevitable encore, but ended up doing a 20 minute medley/jam session. I think these fellas have big things in store for them. I heard they are
touring with Beck soon, so keep an eye out...

I've got a busy week, but I'll try to post up about an album or two.


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